
A little heart to heart


My current situation: 

Instagram is a place to post up your best filtered moments in your life, for me that revolves around mainly my food and occasional outfits that are decent enough to show everyone. Through this you only get a small glimpse into that individual's life and that usually revolves around the exciting and happy moments. This is another reason I wanted to start this blog, not only will I be able to share more details about my food adventures, fashion style, etc., but I'll also be able to give a little more of who I really am. SO  today I decided to do this post, one where I can ramble about what's going on in my life at this very moment. (yes I am actually munching away all these macarons as I type this) 

The month of January was quite a life changing one, this time two months ago, I was still unsure what my future holds, concerned about whether I'll get into the Master course that I want, worried about how I was going to cope financially and lastly, most importantly, how my boyfriend and I will manage our time and have the right balance. Now that February has come, I have most of these things sorted out and I feel so blessed that it has turned out well. 

For those that don't know, I have been accepted into Masters of Teaching (primary) and I am extremely excited for what's to come! I have always had a passion for helping children in some way, but I really never expected to go down the teaching pathway. It is definitely a big change in my life as for the past three years, I've been exposed in a laboratory environment through doing my Science degree. It has definitely been a long journey for me to get to where I am today, always struggled with finding the right field for myself, all I knew was that I wanted to do something that revolves around children. It is definitely a great change and I can't wait for the semester to begin! 

I can be extremely picky and lazy, hence the reason why I have changed part time jobs so many times. However last Christmas, I was lucky enough to be able to work in one of Australia's biggest department stores and I knew that it was one that I want a permanent part time job in as it would work extremely well with my uni timetable. Throughout the Christmas period, I did work hard BUT the one problem was that I was going overseas for three weeks, I immediately knew that my chance in getting offered an ongoing position was pretty much non-existent. A month later, I received an email to say that I have been given an ongoing position. Miracles do happen!

Lastly, I have been with my boyfriend for over four years. As unhealthy as this is, two words that I would use to describe our relationship is 'always together.' Therefore, the next four years are going to be a huge challenge for us, but one that I know that we will overcome. With him in his first year studying medicine, it makes it extremely hard to have the right balance, meeting new people, workload the contact hours, etc. While he is extremely exhausted and working away, I on the other hand feel awfully strange to not receive a text at least once every hour or two. While it is hard right now, I know that things will get better once I start uni myself.  I am confident that things will start balancing out in the next few weeks. 

On a side note, I came across this post on facebook called: '11 silly ridiculous signs that you're in love,' and I absolutely love this quote from it: 

'For you guys, it's not about the countless continuous hours spent together; every single minute is worth everything.'

I have no idea if anyone will actually read this, but it's always therapeutic for me to write these sort of things. On another note, I am contemplating on dyeing my hair today. 

Much love xx

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  1. Congrats on getting accepted into your Masters program!
    and congrats on your job!
    Maybe you can try treating yourself out or spending quality time with yourself to make it easier on you and keep yourself busy so you don't think too much about texts? Like I'd binge watch a tv series when my boyfriend went on vacation. Haha. Idkk.
    If you do dye your hair, I expect pictures! hehehe
    I hope things go along smoother for you! yaaa!

    1. I got so excited when I received a comment! Thank you for all your love Rochelle, always the sweetest!!! Yes i will definitely treat myself to things HAHA (will probably end up spending way too much money), but hey at least i'll be BEAUTIFUL :D
      I didnt end up dyeing my hair!! I went to my local shops to see if the thing was still 50% off, but it was gone :( was so devastated!
      Thank you again for your love!!!
