


It has been exactly a month since 2015 has hit us and I have to say that its been wonderful. This was my last outfit for 2014 and also my first for 2015 (was way too lazy to bring more than one outfit to my friend's place lawl). I have been obsessing over crop tops throughout all of 2014 and this one is definitely in my top favourites! 

This was actually quite a recent purchase of mine from one of the local asian stores around my area, for $15..how could I say no? I immediately fell in love with the sunflower print, for those that do know me, I am CRAZY about anything that is floral. The cutting of this crop was also quite different to all the others ones I have at home, which was another reason why I had to purchase it! I absolutely love how it shows a little bit of skin, but not to the point where its too much. Still trying to keep it a bit more classy!

Hoping that you are all having a wonderful day! For me, I will be chilling at home and doing the inevitable thing of cleaning out my shoe closet. I have been hoarding way too many pairs of shoes, to the point where I can't open it without some falling out (plenty of fun I know). I will also be organising a few uni things before March hits me! 

Also hating on the Melbourne weather, it seriously does not feel like summer. Not even one bit.

Much love xx

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